About the JSHT

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  • Purposes and Activities

Purposes and Activities

The JSHT aims to deepen the understanding of hereditary cancer syndromes and contribute to patient care and disease prevention. Specifically, it has three aims:


(1) Research and Information Sharing
The JSHT aims to promote the latest research into the influence of genetic factors on the development of cancer and to provide an information-sharing platform for physicians and researchers which will contribute to the development of new treatments and preventive measures while also improving the current state of knowledge in the field to optimize patient care.
(2) Patient Support and Awareness
The JSHT provides support to patients with hereditary tumor diseases and their families and endeavors to raise the public’s awareness about these diseases. In this manner, the JSHT aims to help patients better understand their own and their family’s health and receive the best possible treatment and care.
(3) Develop Guidelines and Best Practices
The JSHT is actively engaged in developing guidelines for genetic risk assessment, genetic screening, and the best clinical practices for optimizing the welfare of healthcare providers and patients alike. These measures have as their goal improving the early detection and management of hereditary neoplastic diseases and implementing effective preventive measures.


Academic Activities
  • The JSHT hosts a scientific conference annually to discuss a wide range of basic and clinical aspects of treatments and research in the field of hereditary tumors.
  • The JSHT’s journal, Hereditary Tumors, is issued twice a year. The electronic version has been available since 2016.
Educational Activities
  • Since 1998, the JSHT has been holding an annual hereditary tumor seminar to help consolidate the knowledge and skills involved in the treatment of hereditary tumors and genetic counseling.
  • Since 2014, the JSHT has been holding two conferences a year with the support of the “Research Project for the Promotion of Practical Application of Genomic Medicine” of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, which aims to promote the introduction of genetic medicine into clinical practice.
Titles and Certifications
  • Since 2011, the JSHT has been awarding the Hereditary Tumor Coordinator and Familial Tumor Counselor (HTC/FTC) certificate to those of its members who have demonstrated acquisition of the knowledge and experience requisite for research into genetic tumors by participating in relevant seminars or other activities.
  • In 2017, the JSHT launched a hereditary oncology specialist program aimed at training personnel and improving activities needed to disseminate knowledge about hereditary tumors and their medical care.
Creation of Guidelines
  • In 2000, the JSHT developed the “Guidelines for Research on Genetic Diagnosis in Familial Tumors and Its Application to Medical Practice.”
  • In 2016, these guidelines were revised and renamed the “Guidelines for Research and Application of Genetic Testing in Familial Tumors,” which outlines the basic principles in the clinical application of the genetic testing of familial tumors.
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